This is to certify that bai yang , female , born on 31 may 1982 , has been studying at this school since september 2001 . she will finish the second year course study in july 2003 兹证明白洋同学, 1982年5月11日出生,自2001年9月起在我校高中部学习。她将于2003年7月完成高中二年级课程的学习。特此证明。
This essay will probe into the literary practice of bai yang dian poems and relate the kinship of bai yang dian poems and somnolent poems , further expound the value of bai yang dian poems in modernistic poetic stream and explore their significance in literary history and poetics 摘要从细部考察白洋淀诗群变化中的文学实践,并在语境的追述中呈现白洋淀诗群与朦胧诗之间的血亲关系,进而充分说明白洋淀诗群在现代主义诗潮中不可或缺的价值,发掘其在文学史和诗学层面不容忽视的意义。